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  • in reply to: Buxton FC #274216
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    Pi$$ this League? Maybe not.

    in reply to: Buxton FC #274212
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    Didn’t think so, someone is getting his games mixed up.

    in reply to: Buxton FC #274210
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    Hearing the game has been abandoned, waterlogged pitch, is that correct?

    in reply to: Gainsborough Confirm Their Position #274047
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    Thanks for the info, though I see it still needs approval of SAG. This is the bit I don’t understand, Gainsborough play there, so do they have SAG approval or do they not need it? If so, why do SUFC need the approval from SAG?

    in reply to: Fundraiser #274046
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    Donated, good luck!

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    in reply to: Gainsborough Confirm Their Position #274003
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    I was talking to Jed Hallam one of Trinity’s directors on Sunday, and he said he hadn’t heard anything about us going to play there and it wouldn’t be easy because of fixture clashes etc, and there is other obstacles would need sorting

    They had as confirmed by Neal Bishop on twitter.

    I posted a true and accurate list of the events regarding gainsborough the Dennis Hobson thread on here.

    So where is the OFFICIAL information from Gainsborough Trinity posted that says SUFC will be ground sharing with them. All I have seen so far are denials.

    in reply to: Youtube Wars #273899
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    As soon as he said he still supports David whatsisname I stopped watching.

    in reply to: Show me the not-Hilton alternative #272285
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    Anyone whose not a criminal.

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    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    The evidence keeps mounting. When will the ‘happy clappers’ realise just what DH is about.

    in reply to: Youtube Wars #272221
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    I’m afraid this guy needs to wake up and smell the coffee.

    in reply to: Youtube Wars #272128
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    in reply to: The King is in the altogether. #272089
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    He doesn’t have the money, else he would have paid the 3M by now.

    in reply to: Scunny Fans Facebook Group #272055
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    Also heard the taxman is not getting paid, allegedly!

    in reply to: Scunny Fans Facebook Group #272050
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    in reply to: Hilton’s Statement #271819
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    What I don’t understand how you say you would rather have him at the helm? Really, a convicted criminal! An out and out liar to the fans of SUFC on a regular basis! Doesn’t sound like a good mix for a Football Club owner to me, and I guess the FA might have something to say about it too.
    It is when posted immediately after being outed as a liar and a convicted criminal.

    If lying is a major issue for you why don’t you look at:-
    “When I leave the club will be in a better position then when I arrived”
    “I will give the ground back”
    Makes Hilton’s porkies look insignificant by comparison doesn’t it?.

    Not criminal behaviour though.

    in reply to: Hilton’s Statement #271818
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    Fans 64 “ the only thing I want to hear is Goodbye.”
    Should all convicted criminals be reintegrated into society after serving their sentence,and be able to make a success of their lives?
    I wait for your intelligent reply,Fans64.

    So you want a convicted criminal and a liar to run SUFC?

    in reply to: Dear David, #271817
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    do you forgive Swann? He’s of good character too so should be easy

    So you’re saying Hilton stealing thousands of pounds was just a mistake?
    Of good character???? Don’t make me laugh! And no I don’t forgive Swann, Mr Hilton paid for his mistakes. What Swann has done to Scunthorpe United is no mistake, he knew what he was doing when he transferred the land to coolsilk and told you gullible lot you had nothing to worry about, it was normal business practise and would hand the ground back if and when he left.

    in reply to: Dear David, #271816
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    He’s a bad man, Deerey I get it. Thing is without him we wouldn’t have a club to even watch in NLN and when he resigns and nobody else stumps up the money required we then cease to exist as Scunthorpe United as we know it.

    People can shout from the roof tops that Hilton should move on ASAP but I hope to god there’s a person or persons with the money needed to keep us going.

    Well he didn’t have the money, did he? If he did, he would have paid the asking price and the whole place would be his.

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    in reply to: Hilton’s Statement #271670
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    Very weak Ruuger, ..firstly by committing fraud.. his jail sentence was punishment…secondly by his continuous lies to one where he has lied? If you say he didn’t reveal his jail sentence – why should he? He said he had nothing to hide ( he’d paid his sentence in full) he had no obligation to reveal it. What other lies are you referring to? You are just a wolf with one intention.

    Not very weak at all actually, as other post below shows.

    in reply to: Hilton’s Statement #271666
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    What about the mental health of the people on the end of his fraud?..That’s who I feel sorry for.

    I understood from Hilton’s interview earlier today that the fraud for which he was jailed was against national and/or local government bodies, hence there aren’t likely to have been any private individuals directly affected by the fraud.
    You could say that as taxpayers we’re all affected but Hilton did say that the he had to repay the £68k obtained through his fraudulent actions, so no effect at all on the general population.

    So that makes it alright then?

    in reply to: Hilton’s Statement #271602
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    A fairly easy question to answer, with Hilton at the helm we have a club, without him – who knows. Some of us are desperate for our club to survive, others just want to see Hilton humiliated. Do I have concerns? Of course I do, but I also wonder why you and Interested Bystander are so keen to destroy an individual.
    (Reply to Ruuger’s question)

    spot on .. DH and have a club OR he walks and no club ..

    what say you Ironeye ??

    I haven’t destroyed him, he has destroyed himself. Firstly by committing fraud, and secondly by his continuous lies to supporters of SUFC.

    in reply to: Hilton’s Statement #271599
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    What I don’t understand how you say you would rather have him at the helm? Really, a convicted criminal! An out and out liar to the fans of SUFC on a regular basis! Doesn’t sound like a good mix for a Football Club owner to me, and I guess the FA might have something to say about it too.

    It is when posted immediately after being outed as a liar and a convicted criminal.

    Broken man? It was a sob story, looking for sympathy, do you think a leopard can change it’s spots?

    Is it that easy to tell the difference between a man in a poor mental state and a sob story? Not sure I’m qualified to make that call and I’m not sure you are but your entitled to your opinion.

    in reply to: Hilton’s Statement #271583
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    What I don’t understand how you say you would rather have him at the helm? Really, a convicted criminal! An out and out liar to the fans of SUFC on a regular basis! Doesn’t sound like a good mix for a Football Club owner to me, and I guess the FA might have something to say about it too.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    in reply to: Hilton’s Statement #271580
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    just chucking this in the mix , not wishing to start a shit fight but ..if DH walks away and no others come in isnt it pretty much certain the club will die…

    Bearing in mind DH did step in to basically save the club , now the best squad n set up for years in a good place to move back up the football ladder …so he has done a little bit of bird ( i know many who have) mislead on occasions but id much rather have him at the helm then the club go under.

    Listening to his interview sounded to me like a broken man who will walk and who can blame him.. and our club is fooked.

    Im sure certain members will be along soon posting with glee .

    Broken man? It was a sob story, looking for sympathy, do you think a leopard can change it’s spots?

    in reply to: Hilton’s Statement #271576
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    How do you know there are a few thousand want him to stay? This only came to light a few hours ago, have you spoken to thousands of fans about this> I very much doubt it!

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    in reply to: Hilton’s Statement #271567
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    Fans 64 “ the only thing I want to hear is Goodbye.”
    Should all convicted criminals be reintegrated into society after serving their sentence,and be able to make a success of their lives?
    I wait for your intelligent reply,Fans64.

    he was allowed to ‘integrate’ but then lied to the club and SUFC supporters. He has to go.

    in reply to: Hilton’s Statement #271566
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    Wow, sob story, but finally the truth. He has to go!

    in reply to: Curzon Ashton #270496
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    “We will rout them!”

    “They aren’t a good team!
    They are there to be spanked!
    We will have another decisive win!
    Go and give them hell lads and exert our will power on this league!
    Let everyone fear us!”

    “I’m going to predict our third clean sheet on the bounce and a 3-0 victory to us at 28/1”

    “I’m going for an away win in fact I will back us to win every game this season in the league”

    Not respecting the opposition leads to results like this.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    in reply to: Curzon Ashton #270451
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    Oh dear.

    in reply to: 1899 membership rebranded as the 100 club. #270397
    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    So, no one has an opinion about this?