The price of football.

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  • #277587
    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    If it’s Stuart Little his house will be full of cheese.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 84

    Hilton has evidence of paying off the original debt. Fair. It doesn’t exonerate him for nearly taking us out of business again, racking up more debt, running ponzi schemes, lying and abusing fans. After all he has said before I do not trust a word of the dodgy one.

    It baffles me how anyone can think he was wanting to do good over Sharp.

    Registered On: November 29, 2023
    Topics: 0

    That’s one take on it siderite and understandable but we may not be here if he hadn’t took control. He handed it over with obvious losses to people we trust. He could have handed it to any chancer who would have stripped the club like Stuart day did with Stephen Dale. I think he knew he was being forced out and didn’t want to lose yet more money which again is understandable. As for Ponzi schemes, was it that? Or was he trying to bring money into a club with little to no income and massive running costs and debt.
    We have a club to support, it’s in safe hands now and whilst he wasn’t right for us he holds his hands up and wishes us well having lost even for a wealthy man what looks a small fortune.
    I have no axe to grind anymore I wish him happiness and will put all my effort into supporting Michelle and my club.

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 84

    “He could have handed it to any chancer who would have stripped the club like Stuart day did with Stephen Dale”

    Like Swann did with Hilton.

    He gets no thanks for ripping off fans with schemes that promised what he knew he couldn’t deliver. He gets no thanks for prolonging the misery with his own attempts to ruin the club because it could have been ruined a few months before. We got more misery with even more debt, CCJs, attacks on fans and creation of disunity. I don’t believe a word he says and I don’t trust his well wishing to be anything more than self-serving after his tenure.

    I have been told by people who were reliable before as to what went on behind the scenes, and it’s why Matt Slater of The Athletic said that he plans on returning to the story. It’s not because of covering our recovery, but what went on behind the scenes.

    Registered On: November 29, 2023
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    You carry far too much hate and life’s way too short. He didn’t create more debt because he took money he just didn’t pay everything.
    I asked him if he was still suing the Athletic and his exact response was that Matt Slaters circumstances were looked into and his exact words were “him and his boyfriend can barely feed themselves so what’s the point” I find this a little distasteful and there’s clearly no love lost between the two. Slater said somewhere he had enough for a box set on Hilton but he said this as Hilton had just left so I’d assume it’s on Hilton not club finances as he’d have no access to those. Time will tell. Like I say I’d sooner his short time be forgotten myself and focus on the future. However we survived we survived and now seem to be on the up.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 84

    You make too much presumption. I may not like him, but I am not going to start trusting the words of a serial liar regardless. I carry no resentful grudge about where we are, I am thankful that we now have a trustworthy board, but if dodgy Dave is going to try and sucker people again and put forward more woe is me nonsense he can stuff it. It doesn’t take away the issues that he created, the debts he created, including the CCJs and more which came from his time and all he had were excuses and lies.

    As for the rest, none of that disproves anything. It wasn’t just Slater who dug into him, and we are again relying on words of a serial liar.

    Registered On: November 29, 2023
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    As for ripping off fans, I’m certain when the stadium issue failed toward the end the 1899 was converted and fans given lifetime season tickets. I’m certain they’ve been honoured so it wasn’t quite the swindle you push. Also a lot of staff that were part of 7 years of failure were sacked, I’m certain they wouldn’t have anything good to say.
    Il repeat though he was all wrong for us or any club for that matter but we are still here so everything happens for a reason. If he does watch our games I’m confident it’s in hope we lose

    Registered On: November 29, 2023
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    You make too much presumption. I may not like him, but I am not going to start trusting the words of a serial liar.

    As for the rest, none of that disproves anything. It wasn’t just Slater who dug into him, and we are again relying on words of a serial liar.

    I’m bothering on his words I’ve calculated simple math and put to bed the theory that despite the character he is, he didn’t infact couldn’t load his pockets and skip back home. It’s clear he lost out financially which is a little satisfying I must admit. But the stuff from Slater and others was all stuff from 10 years ago, he did great things at Ilkeston Town and the journalists did ignore that, it was probably most relevant to as it’s more of a reflection of him now.
    I think he failed pushed or not in the end but he has built a good squad, kept us alive until September albeit just and handed over the keys with massive financial losses to good people. Despite the rogue I believe he is it isn’t all negative.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 84

    The current piece they plan on returning to isn’t on what happened ten years ago, I believe.

    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37

    If it’s Stuart Little his house will be full of cheese.

    Does he have wings to fly?

    Registered On: December 23, 2022
    Topics: 1

    So, when is the 2nd article due to be published?

    No exact date was given because The Athletic are waiting for active investigations to conclude:

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: November 29, 2023
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    I’m sure it will be an interesting read but he also confirmed that the investigation is over with the FA and that the outcome is he did nothing wrong and provided all information requested. If this is true and Slater has more recent stuff on him why has he been passed fit and proper still. It’s common knowledge the Athletic wrote to the FA to kick start the investigation so you’d assume if they had anything the FA would have it.
    I’ve actually heard they cannot publish anything else because firstly it’s no longer in the public interest as he’s not in a position that warrants it and secondly that It’s all hearsay without evidence like they had on the previous stuff.
    Like I say I’m sure if it comes out it will be worth a read.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 84

    Thank goodness we have the information from honest Dave to assure us.

    Registered On: November 29, 2023
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    I’m delighted we have Michelle and Co now I only wish they stepped up last December and Hilton never would have got through the door. But my post was purely to share what I’d learned and that is he didn’t make money he lost money. We should all be happy about that. I’m at peace with it all and can’t wait for Hereford

    Registered On: December 23, 2022
    Topics: 1

    Thank goodness we have the information from honest Dave to assure us.

    I too shall be sleeping soundly knowing Dave has provided independently audited spreadsheets corroborating his version of events.

    Case closed according to itonironiron.

    If only if it wasn’t for those pesky kids at The Athletic.

    Registered On: November 29, 2023
    Topics: 0

    It’s a real trend on here to ridicule anyone who provides anything that contradicts the made up hysteria by the few vocal ones.
    I’ve looked at the amount of people on the payroll, I’ve got here every month from Jan – Aug and corresponding official HMRC statements. I also can see what a club costs to run I don’t need to trust anyone to see what my eyes tell me.
    I’ve got emails from James moody in August confirming season ticket sale value’s and 1899-100 club, I have lots of paid invoices and every game breakdown until mid August.
    He may well be a liar but he is right about one thing, there was no opportunity for him to make profit here. He hasn’t taken money he most certainly lost a hell of a lot of money. If anyone can shed light on income he’s missed off showing an extra million or so I’m
    Happy to be proven wrong. It seems not all supporters are.
    Failure yes
    Crook probably
    Benefitted from his time here, no chance

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 84

    It’s still all reliant on words from here. I may be wrong, but I am not trusting anything to do with dodgy Dave and am questioning the need to push forward what was said in an email. It will all come out in the wash, and it will be more likely to stick from external sources, not info from Hilton or another fan communicating on his behalf.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    mickwestMick West
    Registered On: April 4, 2014
    Topics: 7

    It’s a real trend on here to ridicule anyone who provides anything that contradicts the made up hysteria by the few vocal ones.
    I’ve looked at the amount of people on the payroll, I’ve got here every month from Jan – Aug and corresponding official HMRC statements. I also can see what a club costs to run I don’t need to trust anyone to see what my eyes tell me.
    I’ve got emails from James moody in August confirming season ticket sale value’s and 1899-100 club, I have lots of paid invoices and every game breakdown until mid August.
    He may well be a liar but he is right about one thing, there was no opportunity for him to make profit here. He hasn’t taken money he most certainly lost a hell of a lot of money. If anyone can shed light on income he’s missed off showing an extra million or so I’m
    Happy to be proven wrong. It seems not all supporters are.
    Failure yes
    Crook probably
    Benefitted from his time here, no chance

    David has been awfully busy sending you all those files, unless of course you are actually David

    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37

    It’s a real trend on here to ridicule anyone who provides anything that contradicts the made up hysteria by the few vocal ones.

    Like Scunny United Fans group and those on Social media daring to criticise Hilton? Get over yourself.

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 26

    Itonironiron you have been very busy since registering a mere 12 hours ago but still thanks for sharing your story im sure Bru members individually will take it on board and see it for what it is.

    A couple of days ago i did post re how i had perceived Mr Hiltons brief involvement and the job he had done at SUFC but it was removed…it appears yours are ok.

    BTW when mixed in with his your writing style and terminology is very similar to that of DH ..its uncanny.

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 213

    Didn’t WHAM say that he wanted to leave a legacy for his children?
    He should have invested in a Satnav for his trip along the road to Damascus… he took the wrong turn at the first junction.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 114

    This is what this site does. Spins a false story and refuse to look at he truth. I notice not one email address was provided as you do not want site of the facts, the stories you create are more entertaining I suppose. The evidence is there but he’s not wrong, look a those number, can somebody please tell me where any extra income has appeared from other than what he’s itemised. His payroll and HMRC statements are fact I have them. Il repeat you can see them.

    So if this money he took is true and it’s not just hate fuelled rabble then I ask you all, where did it come from. Everything I’ve seen shows me he lost money.

    Good to see no one shared their email address with you. I hope they continue not to.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: November 29, 2023
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    This is what this site does. Spins a false story and refuse to look at he truth. I notice not one email address was provided as you do not want site of the facts, the stories you create are more entertaining I suppose. The evidence is there but he’s not wrong, look a those number, can somebody please tell me where any extra income has appeared from other than what he’s itemised. His payroll and HMRC statements are fact I have them. Il repeat you can see them.

    So if this money he took is true and it’s not just hate fuelled rabble then I ask you all, where did it come from. Everything I’ve seen shows me he lost money.

    Good to see no one shared their email address with you. I hope they continue not to.

    I know because to gain information to supply the truth is something you absolutely do not want Deery. You’ve been the biggest pusher of the Hilton filled his pockets campaign. An email address could be set up in seconds it didn’t need to be their own. But the fact you haven’t even acknowledged the evidence he provided only shows how a very small minority react on here to being wrong. You try to make quite important information seem less relevant than an email address. He has much to answer for but making profit isn’t one of them.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 114

    ‘You’ve been the biggest pusher of the Hilton filled his pockets campaign’

    I absolutely have not, but nice smear attempt. Not suggested it once. There are plenty of others who have though. You’re looking in the wrong place, pointing fingers at the wrong people. Not sure why you’re getting annoyed about my email address remark. I thought you’d copied and pasted everything you have already?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 84

    Personally, I think the scepticism is to be expected after his tenure. During it we were told not to listen to the ‘rumours’, which included a lot of truth, because Dave said otherwise. Now we’re being told to again place trust in honest Dave after he’s gone because you came on here and shared an email. Like I said, it provided some info on the debts paid off, but much of the rest is Dave’s word and I have zero interest in sharing emails for what is now a pointless task. I would be glad to see what happened come out in the wash, but I have zero interest in Dave or someone on the behalf of Dave coming out of nowhere saying he has ‘the truth’ to share.

    One of the problems was him and his reliance on spokesmen to air his side of the story, which ended in abuse and intimidation through Herbert. It was all an unbecoming and unedifying part of our history and I would rather things come through the club and the media, like they are doing now under our more professional and trustworthy Harness ownership, than return to the days of Hilton’s ramshackle information sharing.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Pointing fingers at the wrong people lol, would seem Mr Hilton was right all along on Bru, SST coming on here and saying Hilton only paid most of the wages. I loved Hiltons tenure we never a dull moment and sorry he was run out of town.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 84

    Ah yes, the days of abusive burner accounts with death threats, more financial worries and gaslighting over it, abuse of fans from Dave and his willing minions like Herbert, and being at risk of going bust again. Those were the days! :-)

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Pointing fingers at the wrong people lol, would seem Mr Hilton was right all along on Bru, SST coming on here and saying Hilton only paid most of the wages. I loved Hiltons tenure we never a dull moment and sorry he was run out of town.

    I guess you will be submitting your email address to the joker just recently registered to keep up to date with all relevant truths about honest Dave? Good luck

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 114

    ‘SST coming on here’. Yeah, what a cheek eh, anybody would think he owned the gaff! Just to clarify the email address thing. Merely mentioned because I don’t think anyone should be sharing their email addresses, particularly given what happened over the last few months. A fake one can be set up in seconds apparently. Not something that crosses my mind tbh. Not in the habit of setting up fake accounts.

    mickwestMick West
    Registered On: April 4, 2014
    Topics: 7

    The new board could and should have buried hilton but it appears they are too professional to get into public spats with a pathological liar.

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