The price of football.

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  • #277917
    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 211

    Chairwoman just been on radio said dodgy d never paid any bills.

    Well knock me down with a feather , who would of thought DH could of been lying ??? again .. suppose now GP is safe and both Swan and Hilts are out the picture the folks in charge whom i might ad actually have the clubs best interests at heart may start to reveal a few more details and this DH didnt pay BOMBSHELL 555555 shock is only the first.

    Hoping the next Atheltic article isnt to long away …what you say Itonironiron ??? any comment ??

    I think it was glaringly obvious he didn’t pay most bills. I never once said he did. What I do know he paid is HMRC until July (left £120k debt according to hmrc statements from Sept) and wages until and including August, he obviously paid some bills otherwise how did players eat, how did phones and internet stay on, how did the grass grow, how did players get to away games on VIP busses, how did we attract the calibre of player without paying agents. If you add up what we know was paid and what I have evidence of then it’s clear he lost money. Thats all I’ve ever said, he did not make money on our club. But he clearly didn’t act correctly and was a terrible terrible chairman.
    Whilst Michelle has worked wonders my concern with her is she sounds a little thick, like words are planted in her mouth and she repeats without fully understanding what she is talking about. What happens when the hand outs stop, we can’t have begging buckets at turnstiles every game it’s embarrassing. What happens when this honeymoon period ends and people are fed up with dipping into their pockets? Especially if we don’t get promoted. I know for a fact the £500k wasn’t raised by directors so she’s already lying to us. The foundation put in the majority and Jane Laws charity.
    We have a stadium yes which is great news and on the face of it Michelle is a real Gem but does she have the ability to take us forward long term or is she just riding the wave that inevitably dies. I also heard a big big rumour that is starting to circulate (not from
    Hilton but somebody inside the club)
    This is about Rob Waltham and the real reason he miraculously found £2.5m in a few weeks. Let’s see if that has any legs. But we are still in choppy waters trust me.



    Should that have been… ironironiron?

    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 7

    Chairwoman just been on radio said dodgy d never paid any bills.

    Well knock me down with a feather , who would of thought DH could of been lying ??? again .. suppose now GP is safe and both Swan and Hilts are out the picture the folks in charge whom i might ad actually have the clubs best interests at heart may start to reveal a few more details and this DH didnt pay BOMBSHELL 555555 shock is only the first.

    Hoping the next Atheltic article isnt to long away …what you say Itonironiron ??? any comment ??

    I think it was glaringly obvious he didn’t pay most bills. I never once said he did. What I do know he paid is HMRC until July (left £120k debt according to hmrc statements from Sept) and wages until and including August, he obviously paid some bills otherwise how did players eat, how did phones and internet stay on, how did the grass grow, how did players get to away games on VIP busses, how did we attract the calibre of player without paying agents. If you add up what we know was paid and what I have evidence of then it’s clear he lost money. Thats all I’ve ever said, he did not make money on our club. But he clearly didn’t act correctly and was a terrible terrible chairman.
    Whilst Michelle has worked wonders my concern with her is she sounds a little thick, like words are planted in her mouth and she repeats without fully understanding what she is talking about. What happens when the hand outs stop, we can’t have begging buckets at turnstiles every game it’s embarrassing. What happens when this honeymoon period ends and people are fed up with dipping into their pockets? Especially if we don’t get promoted. I know for a fact the £500k wasn’t raised by directors so she’s already lying to us. The foundation put in the majority and Jane Laws charity.
    We have a stadium yes which is great news and on the face of it Michelle is a real Gem but does she have the ability to take us forward long term or is she just riding the wave that inevitably dies. I also heard a big big rumour that is starting to circulate (not from
    Hilton but somebody inside the club)
    This is about Rob Waltham and the real reason he miraculously found £2.5m in a few weeks. Let’s see if that has any legs. But we are still in choppy waters trust me.



    Should that have been… ironironiron?

    Absolutely nothing to do with me.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 83

    I wonder if the person behind itonironiron had chosen a username similar to ironironiron to create confusion and fool people into thinking it was the same person (hoping the reader would see a similar username and assume they are the same without meticulous scanning). ironironiron disliked Hilton from early on, and itonironiron posed as a Hilton sceptic.

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 211

    A wolf in sheep’s clothing so to speak?

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 211

    a… £116 on eBay.

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 211

    Matlock fans – forewarned is forearmed.

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