The funniest thing ever in football?

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  • #205022
    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 113

    Two things have made me chuckle today.
    Gary Neville, one of the Prems rich list, slavvering about greed in football….remind us again Gary how many prem players voted for a cut in wages to keep lower League clubs afloat?

    And probably THE funniest thing, Deerey have conniptions about sweeping generalisations.

    ” Anyone who voted for Brexit is a racist”


    Two things: what’s a ‘conniption’, and who’s the quote from? It certainly isn’t from me and if you’re insinuating it is, it’s a blatant lie.

    That aside, are you able to stick to the topic instead of bringing Brexit and meaningless whataboutery in to it? Haven’t you learnt anything?

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
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    Got to hand it to the cods, nice bit of Pr having a shirt amnesty, offering a Gtfc replica for any of the said 6 shirts from previous 3seasons, as much as I hate the cods if I had a shirt I would take up their offer, classic put down of the prima donnas good on ya.

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    You have got a point Ferrite, but it’s far from funny for those supporters who’ve been disenfranchised for years by unscrupulous owners. Money talks and many supporters who would’ve been in the Stretford End, The Kop, etc, as kids have been priced out. Many of them will be disgusted with this move. Do they deserve to be laughed at? Not for me.

    I completely agrew with your sentiment but they were priced out years ago. Anyone who is still there has put up with being pushed around, fleeced at every opportunity, ignored in any major developments and has watched their clubs massively distort club football. I feel sorry for people who feel like their clubs have left them and I feel sorry for anyone who can’t afford to go to watch their team (which also applies at this level) but I don’t feel too sorry for those fans of Big 6 clubs who have defended everything their club does for years.

    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 50

    Quote was from one of your gang, probably Gurny, it’s daft enough.
    But you agreed.

    Conniption: Google is your friend, or Wiktionary.

    I insinuated nothing, but if the Lenin cap fits….feel free to wear it.

    Learnt anything from you? A replica pistol?

    I think….not.😄😄😄😄

    mkironMK Iron
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 46

    I think with the Brexit thing you might be mixing him up with me Alcazar.

    To be strictly accurate I didn’t say everyone that voted Brexit was racist.

    I said that everyone who is racist voted Brexit. An important distinction.

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    Registered On: June 21, 2017
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    I think with the Brexit thing you might be mixing him up with me Alcazar.

    To be strictly accurate I didn’t say everyone that voted Brexit was racist.

    I said that everyone who is racist voted Brexit. An important distinction.

    You should know by now MK alcy doesn’t do distinction, just propaganda.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    Lol, unashamedly backtracking Alcy but found out. As for ‘conniption’, I hope the use of that word has satisfied your ego and demonstrated your command of a thesaurus. I prefer common parlance tbh. Pity you’re wrong though, I was merely having a discussion with Ferrite about his opening post, you know the topic in question? I’m not, and wasn’t, irate about it. Difference of opinion. It happens.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 113

    You may have seen this article already Ferrite? Differing views, some I can empathise with others absolutely not…

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
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    The game was formed by the people for the people to enjoy

    Actually it was formed by toffs in public schools.

    A lot of water flowed under the Stamford Bridge before it filtered down to the working man.

    Football fans worldwide are responsible for creating this monster. Is anyone really shocked by this news?

    Hypocrisy by the bucket-load doing the rounds today. And already the vultures are circling over the carcasses.

    I shall observe from a nearby perch.

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    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 15

    Too true.

    I mean, football becoming all about money and not about ‘the fans’, shock horror…..

    Johnson, Dowden, Prince William… and countless others, all seeking to be associated with a popular cause and pleased to be talking about something other than the dreadful state of the economy, Covid, royal rifts etc. etc.

    So where were they when the Prem was born, when ordinary fans got priced out of games, and when Prem teams decided to become global brands which gave preference to visiting business people from Shanghai or Dubai, instead of ordinary fans who lived round the corner? Who cared, as they got richer and clubs like SUFC got poorer, footballing inequality growing exponentially?

    Answer, none of them, they didn’t give a flying fig because they tacitly agreed with free markets and football, and clubs behaving like big corporations. Hypocrisy by the shedload.

    The best book I’ve seen on this was from published back in 2008. It’s this:

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    You may have seen this article already Ferrite? Differing views, some I can empathise with others absolutely not…

    No, I hadn’t seen that. The last two people really make you shake your head, don’t they?

    I suppose my real point is this: I just don’t understand *this* being the breaking point for PL fans. And, on top of that, if the Superleague doesn’t happen then we cannot go back to the old status quo, which wasn’t working for 99% of the football pyramid. I get the impression that the majority of Big 6 fans would be happy to rewind the clock to last Sunday morning (of course I could be wrong) but this needs to be a line in the sand moment and the time to reform the game.

    I mean, when third-tier clubs are losing £3m+ per season chasing promotion, you know the game is not in a healthy state!

    was merely having a discussion with Ferrite about his opening post, you know the topic in question? I’m not, and wasn’t, irate about it. Difference of opinion. It happens.

    It’s not the modern way to discuss a difference of opinion reasonably, should we start name-calling?

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    The premier League was born out of Heysel and Hillsborough and the introduction of all seater stadiums, prices were always cheaper to stand just the same as they are today at lower League grounds, that’s where football was ruined forced into sanitised grounds, alcohol banned in grounds and for away fans traveling to the ground, giving owners the opportunity to bring in corporate hospitality, also it gave the opportunity for more women to attend we all know they sit and not stand, so if anyone’s to blame it can all be brought back to Liverpool fans sadly.

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
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    Very good points Awaywego.

    And if the clubs can fill their 60-75,000 all seater stadia and sell the overpriced merchandising and food/drink AND get a fat wad of money from a tv company then why should they worry about Joe Public?

    Down the road from me, Newcastle United can get 55,000 polyester clad “fans” into SJP even when the football is crap and said fans are moaning. Meanwhile in the surrounding conurbation similarly attired punters are watching on tv in pubs and clubs. Throwing copious amounts of larger down their necks, much to the delight of the landlords.

    Their idea of supporting the Toon is not how many games they get to a season but how quickly they can get hold of the new home shirt, and how many NUFC related tattoos they can fit on their corpulent bodies. Their preference is for tribal drinking rather than live football.

    Of course not all NE football fans are like that, so the ones who can’t (or won’t) pay £40 for a ticket go and watch the likes of Gateshead, Blyth Spartans or Spennymoor Town. Where it costs £8-£12 to get in and pie, peas and a pint will get you change from a fiver! You can stand or sit with your mates and even have a bit of banter with away supporters.

    Not a great comparison, but there was a similar scenario with breweries. A century ago every town had its own brewery (Brigg had Sutton-Bean & Sergeants). Cities had several. By the 60s/70s they had all been bought out and we had 4/5 big brewers churning out bland nitro-keg rubbish. The reaction – microbreweries producing good beers at a local level.

    And how do the major players combat this? Making their bland brews even colder and employing clever marketing tricks to attract the younger drinkers.

    You’ve developed a brand name, so go on and milk it for all its worth. There are countless multinational companies out there doing exactly that. Why should football be any different?

    That’s what’s happening with these ESL proposals. I talk football with guys in their thirties and many of them confess to following the European Leagues. Some actually say they “support” Barcelona or Real Madrid!

    Any Capitalists out there who are enraged by the thought of a ESL are hypocrites. Any Brexiteer who thought we were better out of Europe – tough luck!

    It’ll be very interesting to see where the tipping point is.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    NI – Have you read Harry Pearson’s books The Far Corner & the follow-up The Father Corner? Both very funny & beautifully observed tours through non-league football in the north-east.

    Newcastle fans complaining about the superleague are, in many cases, the same ones complaining that the PL wouldn’t let the Saudi regime take them over so they could spend a shed load of money on players & completely distort football.

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
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    Got The Far Corner on my bookshelf! It features Darlington 2, Scunthorpe 1 (Carmichael). January 94.

    The Newcastle fans are rubbing their hands in glee, because they think that with those six gone they’ll be in the running for a league title or an FA Cup win!

    And they won’t be the only ones.

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
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    Makes you glad we’re Scunny fans, big part of our away following hunt the real ale pubs out,remember Peterboroughs Brewery Tap didn’t open till 12 by the time they opened up there must have been 50 of us, they said they don’t let coach party’s in,we had to show train tickets and others pointed their cars out, they were more than happy we had deliberately picked them out just for the beer, Oakham ales I believe.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 113

    I’m sure some Newcastle fans will be NI, not all. There’s still a risk here of viewing fans of these clubs as one homogenous mass (what Thatcher and the corporates did), which we know they’re not, and as you’ve already pointed out above. I Agree with many of yours and Ferrite’s sentiments though.

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
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    NI – I definitely recommend picking up the sequel, The Further Corner. Not quite as witty, a bit more contemplative but it still gave me huge nostalgia when I read it over Christmas.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    Might have a look at those myself Ferrite. Cheers.

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
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    I’m sure some Newcastle fans will be NI, not all. There’s still a risk here of viewing fans of these clubs as one homogenous mass

    I think I covered that in my earlier post.

    Hope I did.

    I wonder what Everton fans think of potentially having their two biggest games of the season taken away from them?

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    I wonder what Everton fans think of potentially having their two biggest games of the season taken away from them?

    FFS good job the Cods didn’t sign up for it, oh wait…….😂

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Everton fans will be gutted, after all Liverpool fans only robbed the best ever Everton side from playing in the European cup. Then after Hillsborough had to let Liverpool win the fa cup final the nation demanded it. Did you know Liverpool considered not playing on in the cup after the tragedy just like they considered not playing on after Heysel even though the dead were still in the ground. (Not).

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 4

    Everton fans will be gutted, after all Liverpool fans only robbed the best ever Everton side from playing in the European cup. Then after Hillsborough had to let Liverpool win the fa cup final the nation demanded it. Did you know Liverpool considered not playing on in the cup after the tragedy just like they considered not playing on after Heysel even though the dead were still in the ground. (Not).


    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Cods shirt amnesty makes hottest deal of the day on hotukdeals. lol.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Oaf maybe TwoWrights, But feel free to point out anything not right in that post.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 4

    The nation did not demand Liverpool had to win the F.A. Cup. I, for one, didn’t want them to win it.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Funnily enough I didn’t want them to win either TW, but I did say the nation,not meaning that likes of me or you and you’ve got to admit Forrest and Everton just rolled over.

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    Sometimes I wonder what you’re on about Awaywego!

    Anyway back to the ESL debacle. Another funny thing was reading the statements issued by the “Big Six”.

    Grovellingly apologetic to their loyal fans. I wonder if we could expect a similar statement from the board of SUFC after the distress caused by this season’s performances?

    I won’t hold my breath!

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
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    One thing’s for certain: we can’t let them come crawling back without some serious reform now. The status quo wasn’t working for football, rewinding the clock to last Sunday morning isn’t good enough.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 113

    As much as I agree with you Ferrite, I can’t see it happening. Can’t see this review changing much just I don’t think Johnson’s legal threat made any difference to the u turn. The big clubs still hold the power and behind the scenes they may well view it as ‘you’re lucky to have us’. I think all this apology is tokemism. Hope I’m wrong.

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