The funniest thing ever in football?

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  • #204973
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    I cannot stop laughing at Premier League clubs & fans getting so outraged by a new breakaway league that will see the biggest clubs (and Spurs) run off with all the money and shaft the smaller clubs.

    This from a Liverpool supporters’ group: “Embarrassing as fan representatives we are appalled & completely oppose this decision. FSG have ignored fans in their relentless & greedy pursuit of money. Football is ours not theirs. Our football club is ours not theirs.”

    Remind you of any leagues which may or may not have been set up in 1992?

    Good riddance to them, hoist by their own petard.

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    On the down side, any restructuring may save the Cods from relegation! ☹️

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Absolutely Ferrite, as soon as the Premier league got the green light this was the next obvious step, the increase in foreign ownership doesn’t help, the interest in the history and tradition of our national game is lost on them. The game became professional because people wanted to pay to see decent football on a regular basis after a hard week at work. These people became known as fans as more clubs in more towns and cities set up and turned professional. The game was formed by the people for the people to enjoy and what a wonderful thing it became, all to be torn away now by people who don’t care about fans and tradition just MONEY MONEY MONEY. Abba were right all along. Let these clubs piss off and the rest of football disown them.

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    the increase in foreign ownership doesn’t help, the interest in the history and tradition of our national game is lost on them.

    Nowt to do with where people come from, plenty of domestic cowboys in the game too.

    It’s quite funny watching all the Sky pundits trotting out their PR lines about how this is the death of football or whatever. They’re going to be furious when they find out about what Sky has done to football!

    On the down side, any restructuring may save the Cods from relegation! ☹️

    Good, good, more Grimsbys, fewer Man Uniteds please!

    cliffbyrnesrightpegCliff Byrne’s Right Peg
    Registered On: October 17, 2015
    Topics: 57

    The hypocrisy holds no bounds when you see the likes of Sky peddling the narrative that the Super league is the enemy against the fans. This was always going to be the next logical step after the premier league. At least the owners of the big clubs are so Blatant in their disregard about fans it hardly feels like a betrayal.

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    mkironMK Iron
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 46

    Sky would probably be singing a different tune if they still had the rights to Champions League and Europa League.

    Is it too much to hope for that the self appointed super 12 or so will feck off into oblivion along with the greedy owners, greedy players and the leeches that are the pay tv and betting companies?

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    Sky would probably be singing a different tune if they still had the rights to Champions League and Europa League.

    Not sure, if the PL expel the 6 clubs, that could blow a hole in their subscriptions & therefore their business model.

    Is it too much to hope for that the self appointed super 12 or so will feck off into oblivion along with the greedy owners, greedy players and the leeches that are the pay tv and betting companies?

    I actually feel a bit sorry for the players caught up in this – no easy choices but I wonder if any of them will rip up their contracts in response to a super league?

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Many on here have enabled the sad state of affairs by buying the Sky model of football, indeed a couple have said they would like to carry on watching Scunny on ifollow very selfish of them,the only place to watch club football is at a ground. 3 o’clock games predominantly on a Saturday.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 114

    What about those unable or unwilling to travel (to Exeter & Carlisle for example) Surely better for the clubs to get a tenner occasionally than nothing at all.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 113

    I don’t think laughing at fans of these clubs who neither wished for the Premier League or the proposed Super League is very clever tbh. What’s funny about having the owner of the club you support taking this action and foisting it upon you? A bit of empathy wouldn’t go amiss. It’s not so black and white.

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    I agree Deerey, can you show me all the empathy of all the PL fans who have been looking down their noses at the lower leagues for 30 years? Who have not batted an eyelid at the rules the PL has kept introducing to keep tilting things in their favour? Who don’t complain about things like FA Cup replays being done away with to make space for their European fixtures? Who are quite happy (and sometimes actively campaign for it) when billionaires take over their clubs, further distorting the game in this country? Who thing Football League clubs should be grateful for the crumbs we get from their table?

    I’ve plenty of time for FC United of Manchester, they’re a brilliant, positive force for good in the game and in their community. If we get more clubs like that out of this, then it won’t be all bad.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    I will keep banging on about foreign owners Ferrite because they have brought the franchise mentality into our game bigtime. Wonder how many times the no relegation no promotion model has been floated by these owners to the Premier league over recent times?, indeed the late Phil Gartside wanted it applied when he was Bolton chairman back in the day. Take a look at what happened financially to Bolton and you can see why, being ring fenced by the Premier league’s wealth would have been right up the mismanagement street of his club. These foreign owners see promotion and relegation as a threat to future profits, whether their clubs have a poor season or not, no relegation means poorly run clubs get guaranteed money season after season. Without promotion or relegation the game is dead, where is the ambition, the desire to get better, to push a club on to improve? What about the fans?, yeah funny that, fans who were the reason our national game took off in the first place. Plus isn’t the magic of a European night against the likes of Madrid, Barcelona, Juventus etc all about the thrill of achieving a top four finish, in the hope you draw them in next season’s competition, not playing them twice a year regular as clockwork season after season, how is that special. This wants strangling at birth, it’s maybe posturing anyway to get more power in the current set up but either way either kick it into touch or fuck them all off. No mercy, the national structure of our game and it’s traditions are more under threat then ever with this greedy self indulgent bullshit.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 113

    You appear to be suffering from inverted snobbery and tarring all supporters of these clubs with the same brush IMO. ‘Looking down their noses’, ‘not batted an eyelid’ ‘grateful for the crumbs..’, etc. Sweeping generalisations, sensationalism and inferiority complex in my opinion. I’m pretty sure the majority of indigenous supporters of these clubs are not the villains you want to paint them as. But hey, just my opinion. You carry on with your ‘us and them’ malarkey. Afraid to tell you though, it ain’t quite like that.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    How can you blame “foreign” owners when you give Gartside as a great example of the sort of terrible club owner?

    You appear to be suffering from inverted snobbery and tarring all supporters of these clubs with the same brush IMO. ‘Looking down their noses’, ‘not batted an eyelid’ ‘grateful for the crumbs..’, etc. Sweeping generalisations, sensationalism and inferiority complex in my opinion. I’m pretty sure the majority of indigenous supporters of these clubs are not the villains you want to paint them as. But hey, just my opinion. You carry on with your ‘us and them’ malarkey. Afraid to tell you though, it ain’t quite like that.

    You might be right and maybe in a few days I might see things more clearly but, frankly, this is a reckoning that has been 30 years in the making. The Premier League has consistently tipped the scales in its favour, undermining the lower leagues and making life harder & harder at lower levels. Now they’re getting hoist with their own petard.

    As for Premier League fans, they’ve gone along with it because it suits their clubs (or they think it does). I often look at Man City and wonder what remains of the original club. They’re just a host now for their new owners. Many fans of the Big 6 seem unable to look beyond the next big name signing, the next trophy, etc., not giving two hoots about the wider game.

    Yes, I’m sure it’s #notallPLfans but let’s be right, they’ve not exactly been allies when it comes to the struggles of the lower leagues. They couldn’t even be bothered to protest about Wimbledon.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 113

    Another way of looking at it is if you supported one of these clubs and did, along with thousands of others, show that empathy and willingness to help smaller league clubs, to little effect in the face of uncaring and profit driven owners. Do you think it would be fair to have others laughing at you now that your club owner is doing this? Is there a generic Spurs, Man U, Arsenal fan that I’m unaware of?

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    I do understand where you’re coming from so I’ll just say this: if I had supported one of the Big 6 clubs, I’d have walked away several years ago. Maybe when they started putting games on on a Monday night. Or the ticket prices kept increasing to sky-high levels. Or they started trying to claim an ever-bigger slice of the pie for themselves. Or they were taken over by a regime with a terrible human rights record, or other dubious “investors”. Or they laid off ordinary members of staff during a global pandemic whilst paying players £300,000 a week and then tried to claim government subsidies. Or when they were convicted of breaching rules designed to prevent child trafficking.

    If a fan is prepared to put up with all of that, that’s their choice. As it is my choice to laugh at them when they get a taste of their own medicine.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    Is there a generic Spurs, Man U, Arsenal fan that I’m unaware of?

    The answer to this is definitely “yes”. In normal times, they’re found in your local pub on a Sunday afternoon wearing the latest polyester offering of their chosen club and shouting loudly at a screen that can’t hear them. They may also ask you who you support and when you reply “Scunthorpe”, they will ask “do you not support a big club too?”.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Gartside was an early example, the foreign owners run their franchises abroad because the no relegation or promotion card is not in play there. There are more foreign owners now Ferrite, don’t split hairs over a major point in all this, you know where the danger lies with foreign owners.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    Well, this particular threat seems to sit with foreign owners but my point is there have been plenty of home-grown wrong ‘uns involved in our game, especially in the lower leagues. Reynolds at Darlington, Vaughan at Chester, Belotti at Brighton are just some which spring to mind.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 113

    Is there a generic Spurs, Man U, Arsenal fan that I’m unaware of?

    The answer to this is definitely “yes”. In normal times, they’re found in your local pub on a Sunday afternoon wearing the latest polyester offering of their chosen club and shouting loudly at a screen that can’t hear them. They may also ask you who you support and when you reply “Scunthorpe”, they will ask “do you not support a big club too?”.

    Again, sweeping generalisations. Of course there are premier league fans like that but there are many others who aren’t. I know a number who are born and bred Liverpool, Man U and Spurs fans who are not like that at all. I’ve met many on trains on the way back from Scunny matches over the years and I’ve not met one like that. If you want to laugh at those fans in the pubs you mention fine, I get that, but for every one of them there is a decent supporter.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 113

    The supporters I’m thinking of would probably accuse you of being holier than thou, and I wouldn’t argue with them.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    Again, sweeping generalisations. Of course there are premier league fans like that but there are many others who aren’t. I know a number who are born and bred Liverpool, Man U and Spurs fans who are not like that at all. I’ve met many on trains on the way back from Scunny matches over the years and I’ve not met one like that. If you want to laugh at those fans in the pubs you mention fine, I get that, but for every one of them there is a decent supporter.

    I think there are plenty of what you call “decent” supporters but I don’t think there are as many as there are the pub/TV supporters, that’s precisely why these big clubs think they can get away with their plans – because they’re only interested in TV viewers.

    The supporters I’m thinking of would probably accuse you of being holier than thou, and I wouldn’t argue with them.

    Maybe. Maybe I’ve got a point.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    I am not able to go to MADRID next week Cass surely if I pay 10 or 20 quid to watch it will be better than the club getting nothing?.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 114

    Bad news mate, it’s Walsall next week not Madrid.

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Deadly silence from the likes of Rashford or Sterling, maybe about time Harry Kane let’s us know how what the current squad opinions are.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 113

    You have got a point Ferrite, but it’s far from funny for those supporters who’ve been disenfranchised for years by unscrupulous owners. Money talks and many supporters who would’ve been in the Stretford End, The Kop, etc, as kids have been priced out. Many of them will be disgusted with this move. Do they deserve to be laughed at? Not for me.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    The players who may become involved in this league, surely they will need to have new contracts drawn up to play in it? They should refuse to sign them and show the fans some real support, also can’t the PFA instruct or at least strongly advise it’s members not to play in this league, the more pressure on these greedy bastards the better IMO.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 4

    Deadly silence from the likes of Rashford or Sterling, maybe about time Harry Kane let’s us know how what the current squad opinions are.

    Ian Holloway, aka Coco the Clown, hasn’t been silent, he reckons a ESL is a betrayal to the memory of Prince Philip!

    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 50

    Two things have made me chuckle today.
    Gary Neville, one of the Prems rich list, slavvering about greed in football….remind us again Gary how many prem players voted for a cut in wages to keep lower League clubs afloat?

    And probably THE funniest thing, Deerey have conniptions about sweeping generalisations.

    ” Anyone who voted for Brexit is a racist”


    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 113

    I think the PFA need the players more than the players need them IA so I’m not sure what sway they have anyway. It will be interesting to see what the players do but I imagine they’ll be as quiet for as long as possible. Their agents will probably tell them to hedge their bets. It’s a good job our club isn’t in the top 6, I think we’d be signed up, despite much disapproval. Would the happy clappers be clapping still?

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