Harrogate away, time to show our fury as supporters?

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Harrogate away, time to show our fury as supporters?

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  • #214995
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    What are you hoping to achieve?

    Who are you wanting Swann to sell the club to?

    Two very important questions that you people seem to ignore greatly!!

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    What are you hoping to achieve?

    Getting the chairman to stop being denialist and admit that the club has serious problems.

    Who are you wanting Swann to sell the club to?

    Not Saudi Arabians! 😂

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    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 114

    What are you hoping to achieve?
    Who are you wanting Swann to sell the club to?
    Two very important questions that you people seem to ignore greatly!!

    This from the poster who disappears for days when asked any important question that challenges his blinkered views. Unbelievable.

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    I’m not the one lambasting the owner about anything and everything.

    I’m not the one advocating change every 5 minutes whether that be owner, manager or players.

    mkironMK Iron
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 46

    UTI99 – Let’s get real here. Apart from 1 or 2 posters most people on here have supported the owner for about 7 of the last 8 years despite having to endure 2 years of utter crap on the field towards the end of that time.

    Now we are well into our fourth season of decline it is hardly surprising that everyone (apart from your good self) is asking questions about the future of the club under it’s current ownership.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    ‘Every 5mins’??

    I get that you thoroughly disagree with people’s slating of the ownership but I’m starting to think ‘thou doth protest too much’, now the talk of fan protest picks up again, just like the last time. You frequently claim you don’t represent the club but posters on here must be forgiven for frequently throwing that at you given your eagerness to thwart any action.

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    OK give me ONE answer as to how it will help the players on the pitch?

    Secondly if Swann puts the club up for sale do you think he’ll bother covering our losses because you fickle customers don’t turn up to games or bother giving the manager abit extra in the budget to bring in players in January?

    There’s no telling how long it would take to find a new owner yet you lot seem to think it’ll be instantaneous.

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    I get the point about an alternative needed, but you go further. It’s not just finding an alternative you disagree with, but criticism of Swann’s handling of the club.

    You don’t like it when people point out errors he has made and said any ill luck is the fans’ fault. It wasn’t the fans who made so many false promises about the ground. It wasn’t the fans who forced Swann to spend beyond our means and then cut costs. It wasn’t the fans who sacked so many managers. Yes, fans have been fickle at times, but the buck stops with the owner. It’s not the fans who transferred ownership of the ground to Coolsilk and removed our assets. It’s not the fans who filled the board with family members who won’t air opposition. It’s not the fans who implemented an under 23 squad last season with no experience. It’s not the fans who have squandered so much talent who proved it elsewhere. It’s not the fans who identified the crud we have now and so on.

    This deserves criticism.

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    What talent have we let go that we should have kept, Lyle Taylor,godden,mcatee, Wotton all we wanted rid at the time, of course unless your captain hindsight BR but one captain hindsight is enough.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    I would like Mike Ashley to takeover the club,. He’s got an extra £300 million burning an hole in his pocket. Though Boohoo are looking to takeover a LGE club, would go down well here and think of all the free advertising they would get our fans are always crying boohoo.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 4

    I would like Mike Ashley to takeover the club,. He’s got an extra £300 million burning an hole in his pocket. Though Boohoo are looking to takeover a LGE club, would go down well here and think of all the free advertising they would get our fans are always crying boohoo.

    Get in the bleedin’ queue, ‘some’ clubs have been up for sale for the past seven years!

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 71

    But ALCAZAR the players must be following his instructions – none get dropped for constantly following instructions do they.

    Just like last season when the same failures got selected match after match, unless the regular BUPA clients were missing again.

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    I understand your plight TW, but your not bottom of the whole football LGE what better challenge could you have than take us from the bottom to the top lge, lot more of a journey and fun than the Saudis turning Newcastle into a plastic club. Or your club for that matter your no longer the the biggest city not to have been in the premiership you’ve been there and done it.

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
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    I understand your plight TW, but your not bottom of the whole football LGE what better challenge could you have than take us from the bottom to the top lge, lot more of a journey and fun than the Saudis turning Newcastle into a plastic club. Or your club for that matter your no longer the the biggest city not to have been in the premiership you’ve been there and done it.

    I’ve seen us at the bottom of the FL,and in the PL and the top flight is not all that. Last on Match of the Day, big teams favoured by referees, rip off ticket prices, Johnny-come-lately types snaffling away tickets, et al.
    All that said I don’t much care what division it is as I enjoy match days having a beer or three with friends pre match, and post match often having a right good moan. Experience also tells me that the vast majority of football club owners are at best crooked/bent/egotistical gits, and I wouldn’t trust a single one of them if they told me today was Thursday.

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    What talent have we let go that we should have kept, Lyle Taylor,godden,mcatee, Wotton all we wanted rid at the time, of course unless your captain hindsight BR but one captain hindsight is enough.

    Whether they should have been kept is kind of besides my point. There are several players who have performed elsewhere who haven’t here. That seems to indicate something at the club which is failing them and it’s not always lack of talent on the player’s behalf. It’s not the fans either, because were not responsible for coaching or player performance to this degree.

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Thanks for the insight TW, can’t get what owners get out of it when they have no association with the club’s they own, glad you see football the same as me, family’s ok but a Footie day with your mates that’s something else, even the wife nearly gets it now having been out to watch England games at the pub.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    It’s the same with all club’s BR, it’s not just a Scunthorpe problem, just take Beckford for instance Leeds didn’t know what they had got when they were prepared to sell him to us.

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    I’m not the one lambasting the owner about anything and everything.

    I’m not the one advocating change every 5 minutes whether that be owner, manager or players.

    Really? You bloody well should be!

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    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 91

    Awaywego, we have passed on many players who have done well elsewhere. The most comical one is Goode. Swann has brought countless experimental players “projects” to improve to move on for big money and the only one who went for 6 figures was Goode after we sold him for pittance to Northampton lol

    This club has got serious issues when it comes to developing talent in recent years. Look at Wilson even now…started pre season looking like a really talented player, dare I say an exciting one who Cox was talking up and yet he’s been virtually left out in the cold.

    Even going back as far as Godden and Wootton. Those two should have been told they had a future long term, signed to long contracts and sent out on loan to gain experience.

    We seem to dip them in and out in shite teams we field and they don’t settle/don’t perform we don’t make them feel wanted and they move on.

    Happens all too often for my liking. I said we should have offered those two contracts and sent them out on loan very early on. Godden matured into a top striker and Wootton will be moving much higher up shortly, he was being scouted last season by teams much higher up.

    It’s all a fecking mess here, it’s run like a circus.

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    WG, Are you forgetting Holmes, Townsend, Wallace, Adelakun? All sold or moved on a bosman to Championship clubs.

    Ok not sold on but Toney and Yates proved their worth while at the club which helped Yates get in Forest first team and Toney a big money move to Posh.

    On the other hand we’ve had players hounded out by clueless fans on here or other social media platforms. Goode, Burgess, Wootton to name but a few.

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    Hounded out?

    You mean the club actually takes notice of what the fans on the terraces think?

    Roll on Saturday!

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    I’m talking about the players themselves. You know they can go to the manager/chairman and ask to leave?

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    OK give me ONE answer as to how it will help the players on the pitch?

    A change in ownership could see an improvement in attendances, a growth in income and a better future for the club. I’d say that probably is in the interests of the players too, no?

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    It’s the same with all club’s BR, it’s not just a Scunthorpe problem, just take Beckford for instance Leeds didn’t know what they had got when they were prepared to sell him to us.


    That’s why we couldn’t have him for our first season in the Championship.

    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 50

    What are you hoping to achieve?

    Who are you wanting Swann to sell the club to?

    Two very important questions that you people seem to ignore greatly!!

    Swann to sell up and go…as far away as possible.

    Anyone with dosh and PROPER business acumen.

    Unless, of course, you are on the usual tack of whining, “But who will come, no-one might come…”

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    That doesn’t answer the question.
    Give me a who?

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 114

    ‘OK give me ONE answer as to how it will help the players on the pitch’

    Just coming back to you on this UTI99. Your whole post that follows on from this is basically party line stuff. What we’re saying is, the party line isn’t working, the whole running of the club and where it’s got us to is a shambles, for all the well rehearsed reasons set out on here. But if you want to take that route I could equally ask you, how is the way the club is being run helping the players on the pitch? Because it doesn’t seem to be does it? Besides, if fans are supporting the team on the field but showing disatisfaction with the club ownership, I’m sure they have the mental capacity to differentiate between the two so it’s rather a moot point.

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    WG Wotton and Godden were here 6 and 5 years, Godden went out on loan 8 times Wotton 6, they in there time here were just not good enough and you’ve got to admit we did give them plenty of time, glad there doing well now and good luck to them.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Maybe not hounded out NI,but players are only human, if you had walked past the scunny fans at Macc after been subd you would have jumped at the chance of a loan move, you were there. Let’s hope there nothing similar tomorrow against the players.

    mkironMK Iron
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 46

    That doesn’t answer the question.
    Give me a who?

    No one had heard of Peter Swann or the boxing guy (Hobson?) until Wharton indicated he wanted to sell. Buyers rarely appear for football clubs unless owners express a desire to sell.

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