Cox Is Backed

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  • #214784
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 91

    Swann actually said that “in 10 games time, you’ll ask me back on mike and fingers crossed we’ll be up and the table and have been on a good run ”

    10 more fecking games. I’m telling you now, this is being done out of spite. This is simply him digging his heels in for the sake of it to stick it to us fans.

    If he really cared about safeguarding our future in league football, Cox would have been sacked yesterday.

    We really need to voice this at games now and try to hammer it home. Another 10 games and we’ll be too far off the pace to even mount any type of comeback.

    Swann is an absolute disgrace. Get a new manager in after nearly have the season has gone…what a good idea.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    Still don’t believe it’s being done out of spite. Cluelessness and saving money on severance maybe? I’ll say this though, i found his responses twice as bad as yesterday!

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    Registered On: December 27, 2013
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    Maybe passing it off as being out of spite was a bit strong, that I’ll take back but nevertheless giving it 20 games to then change manager when we’ll be more than likely cast adrift off the bottom is far too late.

    Waiting that long is utter lunacy.

    How can he not know that it’s him and the quality of football keeping fans away from the club ?. Swann sounds like he’s still blaming us fans for not turning up…spending money and backing the club.


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    You hear what you want to hear. To me it sounded very much like Cox job is in danger. Constantly mentioning the management team and players need to step up on the pitch.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
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    A narcissist can’t change, Prawn won’t carry the can, it will always be someone else’s fault. That’s part of the illness of Narcissism.

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    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 91

    You hear what you want to hear

    Then you go on to gleam from the interview that Cox’s job is in danger lol. Not in immediate danger though is it, as it should be !

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    Registered On: October 8, 2014
    Topics: 81

    Its all Covids fault.

    Covid must be picking the team. Setting out the tactics (laughable), and also be playing in defence, midfield and up front.

    Covid is also stopping some fans from attending and causing worries about people jobs which also stops them attending.

    Ernest Pawn is delusional and has lost a grip on reality.

    Taking the ground and serving up complete dross on the pitch is not a problem or an issue maybe because Covid did not do any of that.

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    Registered On: December 27, 2013
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    Telling you, he’s in deep denial. Blaming fans for not supporting their club and yet seemingly has no real idea it’s his actions and the crap football which are to blame.

    Every fan around the ground could be armed with megaphones chanting Swann out and I’m still not entirely sure it would sink in.

    Absolutely unbelievable.

    Swann has treat us like shit. I remember fans wanting a say and having a space on the board to have any sort of input and all he said was “until you put money into the club like I have you won’t be getting a seat at the table”

    Something along those lines. I remember him bloody saying it or at least something to that effect.

    I also remember fans forums and Swann stopping Matt from reporting on it live to include all of us, instead even closed that off.

    Now all of a sudden he needs revenue and we’re getting ” it’s your club ” most of the time all I heard was “our club” meaning the Swanns.

    You can’t treat us like that and expect us to just forgive and forget.

    Don’t even get me started with him running the club in a reckless manner, mounting up 12 million debt and then signing off our ground and land “only 2 sailable assets ” to his own company to cover his own clueless/stupid spending.

    I don’t believe he’ll put this club up for sale either for the good of the club, he’ll dig his heels in now, no matter what comes his way.

    This guy….words fail me

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    Registered On: December 27, 2013
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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    The ‘I’ve put my own money in’ mantra only tells half the story in my opinion. Sounded like Matt Dean may have felt that too judging judging by his confused sounds.

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    johnboyj charles
    Registered On: January 5, 2014
    Topics: 8

    Cox and his coaches are clueless, the team is pathetic, the ground is a sardine can and not fit for purpose. Then theres the board of directors led by the Swann family. Peter Swann you are a complete and utter disgrace after what you have done to our club, you should hang your head in shame. You have lied to us supporters from day one with broken promise after broken promise. Your only intention has been to destroy the club and acquire its assets, so that’s mission accomplished. What delights have you got in store for us next? You would probably of got planning permission for an hotel on the Glanford Park site by now if you hadn’t been such a idiot and fallen out with the local authority. Come on now Swann show your hand.

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
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    Got to say, I didn’t think it was a particularly strong backing, he wouldn’t nail his colours to the mast when Matt Dean pressed him.

    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 50

    Wondergoals said: ” I don’t believe he’ll put this club up for sale either for the good of the club, he’ll dig his heels in now, no matter what comes his way.

    This guy….words fail me”.

    They don’t fail me.
    The words cnut, dishonesty and disgusting immediately spring to mind.

    Registered On: January 7, 2014
    Topics: 9

    Backed and believed Swann for years.
    But my mindset has definitely changed.
    Same old bullshit.
    Makes out he’s doing us a favour as still being chairman.
    Clubs assets are gone.
    Got a totally clueless manager.1 win in 22 .?????
    Ffs Swann sort this fucking mess out you are making our club a laughing stock.
    I live in derby and am sick of people asking why it has come to this.??‽??

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
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    Nah! Sailable is better. Like the Titanic was meant to be!

    Registered On: July 20, 2015
    Topics: 43

    WonderGoals——I must point out that you are a bit out when you say that Swann has reclessly run up a debt of 12 million, actually it should be the 12 million he says that he has put into the club to keep it running, plus the 8 million he says he invested in club shares, and then the 1 million he borrowed from the football league, so in my eyes this totals 21 million that has been reclessly used up, and with him saying that he is still putting money into the club, there doesn’t appear to be any money left.

    What a terrible piece of business when the club have wasted 21 million, over the eight years, plus all gate money, plus football league payments, and other income from food, car parking, transfers etc. and presently we have a shambles of a team and management, playing boring defensive rubbish on match days, but why have so many loyal supporters stopped attending games????????????

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    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 91

    The way I see it is, Swann signed over the towns/clubs assets to cover his own reckless spending. I’m sure I read in the paper or online at the time that the estimated worth of those assets totalled 20+ million so he’s had a bit of a result there it seems.

    Swann keeps bleating on about spending money at the club but the money he’s spent he’s gotten back and then some…or shall I say he’s got the assets there to cash in on.

    If you look at it like that, he’ll certainly make money…not lose it. The money he pumped in the club for the most part was on loan terms anyway.

    There were certainly strings attached. The way he’s banging on you’d have thought he’s recklessly spent money to please all us out of the kindness of his heart.

    I’m sick of hearing the same old bullshit.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 113

    ‘the estimated worth of those assets totalled 20+ million so he’s had a bit of a result there it seems.’

    There seems to be conflicting views about this figure. Does any pone know the real figure or estimated figure based on real value?

    mkironMK Iron
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 46

    I am no property developer but I would be amazed if the land is currently worth the £11m let alone £20m+ in todays economic climate. More likely more existing retail units closing than new ones being built.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 113

    I was filled with relief when I read the thread title. Then I read the posts and realised I needed new glasses and it said backed.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    ‘..,Laws In’.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: June 20, 2017
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    The ground was valued at just over £5 million in the last year, is there anything else of value?

    mkironMK Iron
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 46

    Certainly not on the pitch Awaywego

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 171

    Correction the ground was valued at £5.2 million 18th months ago , in 2016 it was valued at £6.7 million the drop was depreciation,they drop it by 2 to 10% a year, all there to see on the financial statements, and yes there there for everyone to see.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 113

    Where are you getting this £20m figure from then WG?

    mkironMK Iron
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 46

    I think when the original new Swann stadium was talked about the cost was quoted as £18m and was expected to be covered by the sale of the Glanford Park land as a brownfield site to extend the retail park so the circa £20m was possibly spoken of at that time.

    The world has changed since then and I don’t think retail park developers are waving big cheques about anymore (or even small cheques come to that).

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    Registered On: January 13, 2014
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    Were these loans freebies or did we pay interest I wonder ?

    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 91

    I think when the original new Swann stadium was talked about the cost was quoted as £18m and was expected to be covered by the sale of the Glanford Park land as a brownfield site to extend the retail park so the circa £20m was possibly spoken of at that time.

    Yes, this was where I got that number from. I remember reading it on Hullberside website. Whether it’s worth that now if sold on I’m obviously not sure.

    The real value was more in the land than the actual ground it’s self.

    Put it this way, it will be worth more than 12 million pound Swann recklessly spent. If the unthinkable happened, we went bust and he cashed our assets in to sell on for some chain to build on, he’s get that back and then some.

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