Reply To: Prediction League

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Prediction League Reply To: Prediction League

Registered On: January 3, 2014
Topics: 66

We have a prediction league for the PL in our local pub. I came joint last the season just finished!

The winner was a lady who knows nothing about football but wants to support the pub much like we are doing with IB. We have a default score (mine is 1-1) that is automatically entered against each fixture if you’re not in on a Friday to fill in your predictions.

In previous years Bru members have signed up but not made any predictions (or stopped/forgot) after a few weeks. If they had a default score repeated for each fixture then at least they would be involved to the end.

I have absolutely no problem with anyone who has supported the site by paying to join the prediction league entering 2-1, 1-2 or any other score. Yer pays yer money and yer takes yer choice!

Not sure why it bothers you BS. You know damn well every L2 game won’t finish 2-1, so surely working out your own prediction gives you a better chance of success.

Born out by the fact that you won the bloody thing!