why is it?

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace why is it?

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  • #202347
    Registered On: October 8, 2014
    Topics: 81

    Worried. by Samways

    Ernest Pawns tantrum and annoyance. by Ironking

    These posts expose one of the most important issues to face our club since the sale of the Old Showground.

    Our ground is about to be taken from under our nose, the potential is for the club to be homeless in the future and certain posters undermine and deflect this issue.

    The move to Glandford Park which was meant to leave the club debt free but didn’t as various people involved with the club had companies involved with the development which saw any projected profits disappear under the guise of ‘rising building costs’ or so it is alleged.

    Both the above posts have been robbed by individuals trying to score points off each other or post things which take the intent of the post away from the subject matter.

    Our ground and only asset is about to disappear with absolutely no benefit to Scunthorpe United FC or its long term future.

    The 99% was right in all he has said but went about things in the wrong way, now he is castigated and the issues he raised lost in the ether.

    If we are a genuine fans forum and voice for our club let the subject matter forge the agenda, not one upmanship, grammar and spelling experts or those intellectuals who come up with Brett Kidic which confuses people and deflects away from the ground rob, incidently it is an anagram of “bitter dick!”

    Up the Iron!

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 11

    Why is Peter just talking to two supporters group.who do not represent the majority of fans. Why haven’t the two supporters group come out and told supporters what was said. If Peter wants the opinion of supporters he should go live on humberside with a phone in for supporters to ask him direct questions like at a open forum.
    If he doesn’t want to wait for a fans forum he should call a zoom meeting this is a very important decision about OUR CLUB

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    bishopsfingerBishops Finger
    Registered On: September 7, 2014
    Topics: 16

    He could sit in the Humberside studio for 24 hours and nobody would call in

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    Why is Peter just talking to two supporters group.who do not represent the majority of fans. Why haven’t the two supporters group come out and told supporters what was said. If Peter wants the opinion of supporters he should go live on humberside with a phone in for supporters to ask him direct questions like at a open forum.

    This is a very fair point. Why wasn’t this revealed in a press interview? Why hasn’t their been one of his regular “chairman’s statements”?

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 113

    Ah yes Ironking, single out me for me for creating an anagram that took it’s lead from the Ernest Pawn one (funny how that wasn’t juvenile eh?) for all the current woes regarding ground ownership and the fact that many fans are too apathetic or wary about voicing concerns on a public forum. Yeah, well done. How noble of you. Neither of the posts have been ‘robbed’ so don’t blame me or anyone else for others not being arsed to contribute anything substantial.

    This situation has been building up for years. Many of us have been banging on about it for years whilst the majority, particularly on here, have happy clapped their way along or stuck their head in the sand. Years ago we talked about the possibility of fan ownership and barely anyone came forward with offers of cash. It was inevitable when the s*** really started hitting the fan, some supporters would wake up whilst I would imagine many others are thinking ‘what did you expect?!’ and have far bigger concerns right now like a catastrophic pandemic that has a major impact on their livelihoods and their families future.

    You talk about the issues 99% has raised? Of course he has in the past but all he’s done now is say ‘I told you so’ and nothing else. Alcazar has done the same and rubbed it in further by claiming since sort of victory from it. After years of this situation building up, our club being literally over a barrel, I’m not going to apologise for making one joke to to 99% about his shed and having a go at Alcazar. Btw, has he added anything new and positive to the debate? No. Hence my anagram. Childish it was, but hey shoot me down for introducing a bit of banter. Awaywego makes a very low comment about 99% and Covid but no chastising for him I see.

    Having said all that, I will happily cut the wise cracks and digs at Alcazar and look forward to watching the constructive debate flow about how we get out of this mess. Tbh, and sorry of this sounds defeatist, but I fear it’s too little too late. If anyone’s got a plan though I’ll look forward to seeing and supporting it.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Just keep doing the same Deerey it’s the banter that makes a good forum. Many have said before that the likes of alcy and 99% revel in anything negative, they must cream their pants when they get a post like ironkings.

    Registered On: May 29, 2017
    Topics: 1

    Why is Peter just talking to two supporters group.who do not represent the majority of fans. Why haven’t the two supporters group come out and told supporters what was said. If Peter wants the opinion of supporters he should go live on humberside with a phone in for supporters to ask him direct questions like at a open forum.
    If he doesn’t want to wait for a fans forum he should call a zoom meeting this is a very important decision about OUR CLUB

    The zoom meeting with the Swann’s wasn’t just held with two support’s groups. Winterton Iron, Irish Iron, London & South East and disabled supporters were all represented as well as the Trust & Supporters Club. The Trust have come out and told supporters what was said, minutes of the meeting, approved by Mr Swann, were forwarded to its members.

    I wonder if the meeting was called simply so that it would be the supporters groups that would reveal the plans and Mr Swann would avoid some of the back lash had he simply announced things via Humberside or club website, and he can criticise fans groups for revealing information, as he has in the past.

    Interesting that over a week later there has still been no official response or statement with regard to such an important issue.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Good points Stocky,let the fans take the blame for releasing the info is a good method of deflecting the heat from a contentious decision made by the board. The news would come out sooner or later so why sit on it and blame others but it’s typical of any management to blame others whilst deflecting the reality of their actions. In truth all we have is verbal protest, Swann owns the club lock stock and barrel and whilst we morally as fans are the heartbeat of the Iron, he holds all the cards. I’ve said good and bad things about the Swann period in charge of our club but he always comes across to me anyway on radio as being very plausible when discussing football issues but when pushed on ownership of club or direction of the club he soon becomes quite arrogant. I noticed his latest thing when questioned on Humberside about club issues is the ” well it’s always my fault isn’t it ” angle, as a form of defensive shield. Well actually Peter if you eventually sell us off for land development,clear your debts and run away, it will be your fault, your in charge.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Is there any wonder swanny says ” well it’s always my fault isn’t it” when posters come out with he only spoke to 2 groups of fans, instead of the 6 groups that were involved.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Is there any wonder swanny says ” well it’s always my fault isn’t it” when posters come out with he only spoke to 2 groups of fans, instead of the 6 groups that were involved.

    What he actually says on air and the reasons why does not address the point of the club ownership being transferred to Coolsilk and possible ramifications in the future, if he eventually sells us off, big if but possible and runs away, it will be his fault and the blame will be his. I merely pointed out his latest defensive position when asked awkward questions.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Well you can’t have it all ways, while he’s here there’s no problem, and yet when he leaves, which a lot call for we might be in the shite, why do posters invite this scenario? He will leave at some point and somebody else will take the reins so I am told, so don’t see the problem.

    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 11

    I said 2 groups because 2 groups was mentioned in the first post. My point is this is a very important part of the club. The supporters clubs is a small part of the fan base. I also know some of the members of these groups belong to all of the groups or most of the groups which make it a small group of fan base representatives the fans.
    If these supporters group are not getting the very important information out to the fan then they have to take some of the blame if it goes tits up.
    Why haven’t the minute of the meeting been made public?

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 114

    Maybe you should join one of the groups if you’re so interested marty.

    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 50

    I was probably the first to push the Pawn thread off course, for which I WILL apologise: I shouldn’t have had another dig at Deerey, he really is too easy, witness his whining above at being singled out.

    No…stop it…I really do apologise, the threads are very important and deserve our undivided attention.

    What I find it hard to understand is that some folks’ dislike of my views on some subjects somehow prohibits some folk from ever admitting I was right and, by admission, he may have been….yes, wrong.

    Lord KitchenerLord Kitchener
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 37

    I’ve never met Peter Swann, so cannot say if I like him or not. Also I never got the minutes to said meeting, although I’m sure I’m still an Iron Trust member.

    Having looked around, I could see that Coolsilk is owned by Mr Swann and his Mrs. So moving his share of the business could be an attempt at streamlining?

    I also found an item in the Cod Telegraph, in which he tries to reassure that the club is in safe hands, I’m sure you have all read this already, but I’ll post the link below.


    Registered On: April 1, 2017
    Topics: 16

    Would you rather the club owe Mr Swann £11m+ or him have control of the ground?

    Registered On: October 8, 2014
    Topics: 81

    I would rather Ernest not have racked up £11 million in debts in the first place.

    How much of that is compensation packages for numerous managerial teams?

    Most of us do not surrender our home to pay off debts.

    You also might like to ask where the money from the 180 flats on the car park is going?

    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 50

    What flats?
    I’ll believe in em when I see em, same as the new/rebuilt ground.

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