This should be the biggest news story

Iron Bru Forums Non Football This should be the biggest news story

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  • #295950
    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 492

    I cannot understand a bunch of white christian pervs who get into the House of lords are not the big headline can you?

    #295998 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    What was that you posted on t’other side? Something about too many people eager to spout toxic ‘bile’ in our society, 64. Care to rephrase your concerns in a way that doesn’t leave you looking like a hypocrite.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 4

    What was that you posted on t’other side? Something about too many people eager to spout toxic ‘bile’ in our society, 64. Care to rephrase your concerns in a way that doesn’t leave you looking like a hypocrite.

    He is a hypocrite, those that say they’re not are liars, and we’re all liars. They’re human traits, it’s just a question of degree.

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 492

    So to be clear,my opinion of people who abuse kids and or protect those who abuse kids is akin to not liking the amount of awful bile spewed at a bloke who’s not winning enough football matches? There is real reason to spew bile at the leaders of our church . My point stays, Society is increasingly angry over nothing while the real criminals carry on regardless and continue to get places at the top table in the lords purely for being good at telling fairy tales about a bloke who was his own dad

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    Well his dad “created” him by magically impregnating a teenage girl. So I guess that set some kind of precedent.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 80

    “Well his dad.”.. God is a triune God,within the one Being that is God,there exists eternally three coequal and coeternal persons,namely,the Father ,Son and the Holy Spirit…just to help you on your understanding,NI.

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 492

    “just to help you on your understanding,NI.” I”ve read music review I understand more

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
    Topics: 18

    “Care to rephrase your concerns in a way that doesn’t leave you looking like a hypocrite”.

    How about pervert allowed to keep his job and in fact get promotion as long as he keeps away from children. Boss who allowed this set to be the new Archbishop of Canterbury.

    Is this palatable enough for you to actually address the point made?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    “Well his dad.”.. God is a triune God,within the one Being that is God,there exists eternally three coequal and coeternal persons,namely,the Father ,Son and the Holy Spirit…just to help you on your understanding,NI.

    No he isn’t. It’s a fairy story. I guess this is the pantomime season.

    “Oh no, he didn’t!”

    #296029 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    That’s alot better, Heath. Maybe address you remarks to 64. Not sure if it will make any difference but I absolutely agree that the C of E establishment are in tatters.
    My point to 64 was that he decries the amount of ‘bile’ being spewed in society ..but has a consistent track record himself. If you look at his opener above .. none of the ‘pervs’ are in the House if Lords. Just those who lacked discernment and courage to address serious issues. They are rightly being called to account for leadership failing. BUT my humble opinion … their abject leadership failings don’t warrant being called ‘pervs’, maybe cowards or befuddled. More worryingly .. for a man who hates ‘bile’ .. what is the reason for highlighting their skin colour or religious persuasion. Imagine 64s high moral ground grandstanding if someone referenced the Rochdale or Rotherham groomers in terms of skin colour or Islam.

    #296030 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    ps I’m not so much a fan of a ‘season of goodwill’ for all men. I’m more for it being extended throughout the year. So have a good few days … and maybe a ‘bile free’ 2025.

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 492

    Sorry for my inaccuracy, those who defend or cover up pervs in the house of lords,is that better . As we all know in our “secular” and supposed democratic society certain bishops get into the house of lords by being able to tell fairy stories more charismatically than others,or just better at playing internal CofE politics better in order to climb the greasy church pole..Lacking courage or discernment is waffle for “covered up” in many cases .As for “white Christian , I reckon I have very right to make such a claim as a “white christian ” I was Christened at birth ,not my fault their’s and am white . I have every reason to be alarmed at all the racist in England picketing other faith houses of worship screaming about how if it was “white Christian men” doing these things that they would be in jail. Now where are these people ? Are they picketing churches , are they being given air time on GB news ,or they contently being quoted on internet news sites such as the Express online and Mail online about their anti pervert views and the church? Anyone would think they don’t care about kids at all.

    #296222 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    I think you need to do a bit of “sorting out’ with your thinking ol pal. Way too much generalisation is what I’m alluding to. You may be white ..but are you a Christian? You’ve never seemed to present yourself as one before. Are you sure that you’ve got your ethnic mix right for the C of E in England. Huge numbers of African and Caribbean background .. Sentanyu and all that .. so equating Christianity with being white, especially the C of E, doesn’t stand up.
    I do think that accusations of ‘cover up’ may apply ‘in some cases’ .. but equally my own assessment of lacking leadership skills .. discernment and courage .. are not just ‘waffle’ if you look at the specifics re the Archbishops. And finally .. moving from Christian ‘pervs’ to Christian ‘racists’ smacks of a desperation to denigrate Christians. Those who commit violent and racist acts may claim to be English or British Christians ..and may even have been ‘christened at birth ..but I would suggest that they are probably no more Christian than you are. So have another go and sort it out.

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