Iron Bru › Forums › Non Football › Message for believers.
Do you think in one breath you state,” For you it seems that‘ life in the spirit is about theories and doctrines” and in the next breath state,”A Theologian can have massive intellectual capacity and analytical skills but nothing of the Spirit of God”, was not aimed at me. You are so skilful in your attacks! Think about your arrogant ,pompous ,patronising nature ,my friend.
bill he’s binned ya, sod off back to God and stay there, you are boring beyond belief, even yours.
There’s one thing JI,I would never question your spiritual faith, but hey, just tell me to get over it as you usually do,and tell me to move on!! THINK ABOUT IT. An apology from you,we know the answer!
That’s where we definitely differ,JI…
This is where we definitely differ,JI..
This is where we definitely differ,JI..
The opening music is what bill will hear in his head when they eventually drag him off to the funny farm lol.
In 2025 I will mostly…not given a flying fig about the detail of two self proclaimed Christians interminable squabble on a forum that one of them claims has died.
Is this sectarianism?
It’s not bpg’s fault for the endless boring videos. He had no control, the posts were predetermined by a supernatural being who cares more about semantics than the starving millions
This is where we definitely differ,JI..
New year, same tripe.
This is where we definitely differ,JI..
New year, same tripe.
Will JI reply with the onions? I hope not I hope he will let bill wallow in his own bullpoop and move on.
Oh no the bull keeps pooping.
Friday Film Club is back – with another fairy tale – yippee!
I wonder how effective bpg’s evangelising style. It doesn’t seem particularly effective on a football forum, but would be interested to know if any of the iron flock have been swayed towards Christianity, or to bpg’s version of it.
It’s not even effective with his fellow Christians. :-)