Reply To: Cox Out

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Cox Out Reply To: Cox Out

Registered On: December 27, 2013
Topics: 91

Wilson is just 1 example of yet another promising youngster overlooked

We should definitely be making more of our youth team but at the same time it says a lot about where we are that a completely unproven teenager is our big hope at the moment.

I would say big hope is stretching it but he looked really promising in pre season in which he was direct and had that bit of ability to past players but been frozen out.

All the most weird when we’re struggling for quality wide players. I also think it’s odd why O’Malley isn’t being used on the left wing with Thompson LB.

Surely he would be better there than playing our best CM in Beestin out there ?

All a bit odd. Least with O’Malley he’ll have the instincts to track back with being a natural LB, he’s got good delivery on him and good pace.

Hippolyte looked good in CM but out wide he’s awful so I wouldn’t even consider him a viable option. Green’s being garbage and Bunn isn’t bad but always picking up injuries.

Why not play Davis next to Onariase with Thompson and Millen in the FB slots, O’Malley and Wilson out wide with Beestin and Wood/pugh in CM with Loft and Scrimshaw up top and just go positive for once.

You never know the unthinkable might happen, we may actually score and win a game. All this playing Beestin LW and going ultra defensive isn’t doing anything anyway as we’re still getting beat.

Only we’re getting beat, hardly showing anything going forward and are boring everybody to death.