Good points Stocky,let the fans take the blame for releasing the info is a good method of deflecting the heat from a contentious decision made by the board. The news would come out sooner or later so why sit on it and blame others but it’s typical of any management to blame others whilst deflecting the reality of their actions. In truth all we have is verbal protest, Swann owns the club lock stock and barrel and whilst we morally as fans are the heartbeat of the Iron, he holds all the cards. I’ve said good and bad things about the Swann period in charge of our club but he always comes across to me anyway on radio as being very plausible when discussing football issues but when pushed on ownership of club or direction of the club he soon becomes quite arrogant. I noticed his latest thing when questioned on Humberside about club issues is the ” well it’s always my fault isn’t it ” angle, as a form of defensive shield. Well actually Peter if you eventually sell us off for land development,clear your debts and run away, it will be your fault, your in charge.