Reply To: Forest Green Matchday thread

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Forest Green Matchday thread Reply To: Forest Green Matchday thread

Registered On: December 25, 2013
Topics: 102

Take all of our CMs in the squad and playing any two together does not work – agreed, as plenty have said before – they are too alike.
Taken as individuals, I think most are pretty decent but …
You really can’t do without one solid experienced leader to build around. IMHO – most of those lads would be getting plaudits played alongside a Bish type.

Cordner must either ‘man up’ or quit the game. Two games back to back he has been a real weak link. I am not a Bedeau fan as he makes too many errors and misjudgements but I am starting to agree, Onariase and Bedeau, until McGahey eventually gets back.

GK in before the deadline?

Weren’t we told big Kev would be back in late October?