Reply To: Racist fuckwits

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Racist fuckwits Reply To: Racist fuckwits

Registered On: April 2, 2014
Topics: 16

When racists start sounding off, decent people get angry because they see it as a violation of respect for others, an injustice against other members of society. They get angry because they don’t want their community sullied by racism, disrespect and intolerance.

It’s important that people speak out against racism, because when good folk say nothing, the more the racists think it’s ok to diss people of other countries and cultures. It creates an atmosphere in which it becomes ok for others to do this, because it appears that nobody minds.

UKIP exploited this, and the Tories did too, when they saw how popular UKIP were becoming. Both thought they could win some easy votes by blaming the financial crisis and austerity on immigration, rather than failing Tory policies.

They ran campaigns based on fear, bigotry and fury, rather than rational evidence or thought, which effectively gave license to disgusting people to be racist and follow their own dark hearts.

So when lying leaders in politics, together with their supporters on here, all create a climate which implies it’s ok to be racist (you know who you are, Jonnies, Or-not, doppelgangers and dad), it’s not surprising that specimens like IITB feel comfortable being disgusting from behind a keyboard, because nobody knows who they are. You reap what you sow, and people like this are your Frankenstein’s monsters.

The things this country fought against in two world wars – fascism, intolerance, racism, prohibition of the truth, the abuse of minorities, and campaigns of lies organized by liars, spread among those who were unlikely or unable to seek out reliable information, have now become the ‘leitmotiv’ of those who have the brass neck to call themselves patriotic. That is the lamentable state of affairs of the UK in 2020.

If you listen quietly, you might hear your forbears turning in their grave at how those with tawdry, bilious, racist opinions which carry the weight of an empty crisp bag, have come to form national policy. It’s as bad as Covid. It’s the disease within.