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No matter which way you cut it the club has a very bleak future, and as many on here have already said, this is all down to the way Swann has chosen to run the club.
Even if we do the unlikely and survive the drop this season does anyone really think next season will be any better? Swann has made it abundantly clear that he is no longer going to invest into the club, and so far, this is the ONLY promise he has delivered on.
Having said several time in interviews that if anyone wants to buy the club they should contact him, so it’s clear to me that Swann is looking for a way out. Him shifting the ground / land ownership to Coolsilk was a master stroke for a businessman. If the club does end up going into administration the creditors cannot take the real assets (the ground and surrounding land) as they aren’t owned by Scunthorpe United. Scunthorpe United FC Ltd could then dissolved, no more football club, and Swann is left holding the assets. He could knock the ground down, selling the scrap, put in planning permission for more homes / flats / whatever, and walk away with a tidy profit.
I am not saying that this was Swann’s idea from the start, indeed I actually think he did have intentions of getting us into a new ground and the Championship when he arrived. But his failed gamble has resulted in our current plight, and the chips have fallen in such a way that Coolsilk stand to benefit from the failure of Scunthorpe United as a business.
DISCLAIMER: All the above is pure conjecture and is not intended to slander, misrepresent, cause harm or distress to Peter Swann, his family, his business interests, business partners, or anyone else associated with the club, Coolsilk, and / or Peter Swann.