Reply To: Get Adkins NOW

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Get Adkins NOW Reply To: Get Adkins NOW

Registered On: December 27, 2013
Topics: 91

I think he’d be out of our pay bracket. The only reason Cox has had this long is because Swann will most likely be sweating over finding the money to pay both him and Lillis off.

I should think Keith Hill will be more of a realistic option. I’d also use Lillis wage along with Cox’s to get him here and give McMahan a joint role in stepping in to be assistant manager on matchday, which he’s doing now anyway.

McMahan looks to have more of a role on matchdays anyway as Cox just usually is either sat or knelt with his arms crossed not saying a word and same with Lillis.

I’d rather have Adkins don’t get me wrong but he must have been on at least a few thousand surely at Charlton.

I just can’t see it happening. Keith Hill would be ideal…he’s used to working with peanuts as he’s used to always work under tight constraints at Rochdale.