Reply To: Protest success

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Protest success Reply To: Protest success

mkironMK Iron
Registered On: December 23, 2013
Topics: 46

Find myself in the unusual position of agreeing with UTI99.

One of the Swann families companies have owned the ground and the land for 8 years. Moving it from one company to another makes no difference to the club.

If the owners can gain some financial benefit from moving it from one of their companies to another by the way of tax benefits or cheaper finance then they would be mad not to do so. The club have been totally reliant on the integrity of the Swann family since he walked into Glanford Park accompanied by a fanfare of since unfulfilled promises.

Get angry and or disappointed at the broken promises. Protest about the current state and trajectory of the embarrassing football team and the aapparent lack of intent to do anything about it by all means.

But the ground ownership is the least of the clubs problems right now. Most of the 92 top level clubs have ground owned by and subject to the whims of their current ownership be they Arab nation states, Russian oligarchs or local businessmen .

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