Reply To: Shareholder Meeting

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Shareholder Meeting Reply To: Shareholder Meeting

Registered On: September 11, 2016
Topics: 12

I shall not be attending. I have no time for the Board because it comprises three members of the Swann family and the C. E. O. whom they pay. There can be little diversity of opinion. By the way,other former Board members still have large sums of money in the Club.
I wish the Club were being run “as a hobby” (Swann’s own words, as I recall), as it allegedly was under Wharton.
I am thinking of writing two books:
1. How to run a Football Club and
2. How to ruin a Football Club.
Whom should I choose to help me?
It is unfortunate that the Chairman has at various times alienated many fans by his actions, “Biscuitgate” being one of them. How petty!
Swann didn’t want to run Shareholders’ Meetings in the past so I ask myself why has he changed his tune?
In the words of T.S.E., “Descend lower …”. Sorry, we can’t because we’re already bottom of the F.L.!
Here lie the thoughts of an ex referee who has supported the Iron since the 1950s and, if we’re not very careful, F. L. status, too.

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