Reply To: Taking to the knee.

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Taking to the knee. Reply To: Taking to the knee.

Registered On: December 27, 2013
Topics: 91

To be fair If you look on line 2 of the 3 founders of the Black Lives Matter Movement even stated they both we’re trained marxist’s.

It’s not that hard to find. There is a video on youtube of said leader even stating so on a radio bloody talk show. The person in question was even in person answering questions.

I personally don’t think Millionaire’s bending down to one knee putting a fist in the air is doing a lot.

If they really want to do good then put some funding together and go into these communities and physically do something.

All I see mostly is virtual signalling out of touch millionaires for the most part.

I’m not against it. I don’t particularly believe in it either. Each to their own.

This thread needs stick on another part of the forum..leave this section for all the excitement and raft of signings.