Reply To: The Lineup I’d Like To See. (Or something pretty close.)

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace The Lineup I’d Like To See. (Or something pretty close.) Reply To: The Lineup I’d Like To See. (Or something pretty close.)

Registered On: December 23, 2013
Topics: 102

I was being tongue-in-cheek Les, seeing as some people seemed to be claiming his omission was the source of all our ills.

I don’t know about Bishop, I never particularly rated him, but he would stand out like a beacon in this current side. What we don’t have is a tallisman. No one who leads the team. No one who the fans can rally behind. A “bandiera” as the Italians call them, the standard-bearer. I know those players aren’t easy to come by but if even we needed one, it’s now.

I completely agree with you about the “glaring hole in the middle of the park”. That’s where the problems lie, I reckon.