Reply To: Ryan Colclough

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Ryan Colclough Reply To: Ryan Colclough

Registered On: December 27, 2013
Topics: 91

The lack of empathy shown by some on here is staggering!

He’s fortunate to have the talent he has with the opportunity to do what he loves… Getting drunk and supposedly assaulting a police officer is ridiculous.

At Crewe he did something equally as stupid…he’s not a kid anymore, he should know better.

If we we’re talking about a young player then fair enough I’d put it down to sheer stupidity with him needing to grow up but he’s at an age when he shouldn’t be doing stuff like this’s just not acceptable.

Throw into the mix he went in a tempter tantrum and spat his dummy out when moved in the no 10 role and played as captain against Man City u23’s and couldn’t be bothered.

I’m sorry but I don’t feel sorry for him. This is his doing, nobody else’s.

I don’t like his attitude on the pitch and appears that he’s a loose cannon off it.