Reply To: The playing squad

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace The playing squad Reply To: The playing squad

Registered On: December 23, 2013
Topics: 101

s we have around that amount of season ticket holders I personally think the risk is minimal, we will be told to wear masks and stay in our seats as much as possible.
We should IMO Also be allowed to bring in our own food and drink As long as you take away your rubbish after the game, follow social distancing and generally try to keep apart as much as possible I believe we would be ok.
And If we are allowed back to games it is still a personal choice if you attend or do not attend games.

That all sounds quite sensible, I just wonder how easy it will be to monitor when you look at how some people behave in football grounds. Especially if you have, say, 1,500-2,000 people. NI mentions that standing would make social distancing easier and it does in some ways but not in other – you have few real barriers to stop people congregating in stands and how many stewards are going to want to break that up?

Personally, I doubt the season will be finished with crowds in the stands. As number of cases inevitably rise during winter, I think people will be banned from grounds again. I hope I’m wrong.

Interestingly, when it comes to smoking, football grounds are generally seen as “indoor” spaces rather then outdoors, I wonder if this is how the experts will view them when it comes to the risks of transmission of this damned virus?